挑選設計感家具 提升空間質感
複合機能傢 補強簡單空間的不足
採購家具不必一次到位 將部份舊家具用在新空間中,採購家具不必一次到位,挑選耐看且真正喜歡的家具,才是重點,而且還能降低採買家具的預算。
家具比例與空間協調 所有家具尺寸的考量,都是為了達到最極致的美和平衡;所有的物件都是以最符合人體舒適來測量作決定。選擇喜歡的、而不是成套的家具作搭配,圓形餐桌該有的尺寸必須提供相同比例大小的空間融合,家具與空間呼應的比例掌握成就風格的完整度。
最近我們家挑的這一款【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風就是非常大推啊!
一起來看看這款【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風吧!!!
- 三件式
- 四件式
- 29~32cm
- 雙人加大
- 可水洗
- 幾何圖形
- 聚酯纖維
- 商品名稱:美肌磨毛加大床包被套四件組
商品內容 :
.加大床包x1─(180x186公分)±5% / 可包覆床墊高度:約30公分±5%
【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風大家可以參考看看
↓↓↓【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風限量特惠的優惠按鈕↓↓↓
PTT鄉民【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風限量,團購,限時,週年慶,禮物,優惠,【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風特價,開箱,比價,活動,好評,推薦
mobile0101網友【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風哪裡便宜,採購,優缺點,試用【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風,好用,CP值,經驗,好康,集購,下殺,免比價,去哪買?,
名人推薦【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風介紹,部落客,排行,【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風,體驗,精選,限定,折扣,折價卷,臉書社團推薦,【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風Dcard推薦
↓↓↓【Pure One】台灣製 美肌磨毛 - 加大床包被套四件組- 空中漫步風限量特惠的優惠按鈕↓↓↓
... 本案位於城市中心商務街區,業主是一位非常熱愛咖啡的年輕女士,她本身帶有一種懷舊的特質。設計上首要考慮的是空間與品牌之間的關係,我們希望通過復古的配色與現代的設計手法相結合,形成一種新與舊的對話,並將此概念融入設計中。 The case is located in a business district in the city center. The owner is a young lady who loves coffee very much. She has a nostalgic character. The first consideration in design is the relationship between space and brand. We hope to combine retro color matching with modern design methods to form a new and old dialogue and integrate this concept into the design. ... 休閒區,墨綠色,黑與白,亮黃色形成鮮明的色彩對比。Recreation area, dark green, black and white, bright yellow contrast. ... 局部細節,明亮的配色。Partial details, bright colors. 空間以墨綠色作為主題色,通過線條將空間進行體塊的分割,不同的空間通過色彩比例的變化來劃分區域,黑白經典色的的運用於墨綠色的溫和形成一種理性與感性的對比美感。墨綠色手工窯變磚的運用豐富了空間的質感與氣質,與黑白瓷磚的現代感形成鮮明的對比,點綴運用黃銅色金屬來提亮空間的氣氛。 The space uses dark green as the theme color. The space is divided into blocks by lines. Different spaces are divided by changing the color proportion. Black and white classic colors are applied to the gentleness of dark green to form a rational and sensual contrast beauty. The use of dark green handmade kiln bricks enriches the texture and temperament of the space, contrasting with the modern sense of black and white tiles, embellishing the use of brass-colored metal to brighten the atmosphere of the space. ... 吧檯外立面,通透的玻璃大大增加了室內的採光,成為咖啡店的亮點。The transparent glass on the facade of the bar greatly increases the indoor lighting and becomes the highlight of the coffee shop. ... 局部細節,銅色金屬與瓦楞玻璃形成和諧的美感。Local details, copper-colored metal and corrugated glass form a harmonious beauty. ... 入口,內退的入口設計,豐富空間的層次感。Entrance, retreating entrance design, rich space sense. ...... 局部細節,銅色金屬的運用點綴空間。Local details, the use of copper-colored metal embellishes the space. 咖啡廳分為上下兩層,一層區域為開放的吧檯區,二層為主要的用餐休閒區。退讓式的入口設計,增加了空間的層次感,旁邊的小吧檯區採用通透的落地玻璃,瓦楞玻璃的運用既保證了採光又能保證吧檯用餐客人的私密性。 The cafe is divided into two floors, the first floor is an open bar area, and the second floor is the main dining and leisure area. The concession-type entrance design increases the layered sense of space. The small bar area next to it uses transparent floor-to-ceiling glass. The use of corrugated glass not only guarantees daylighting, but also guarantees the privacy of bar dining guests. ... 長吧檯區,吧檯操作區採用白色石材,顯得更加乾淨純粹。The long bar area, the bar operation area is made of white stone, which looks more clean and pure. ... 手沖區,手沖區的設計讓客人可以輕鬆的與咖啡師聊天。Hand punch area, the design of the hand punch area allows guests to easily chat with the barista. ...... 局部細節,色彩鮮明的配飾活躍了空間的氣氛。Local details and brightly colored accessories revitalize the atmosphere of the space. ...... 吧檯操作區,墨綠色呼應主題。Bar operating area, dark green echoes the theme. ...... 局部細節,精美的復古器皿與餐具。Local details, fine vintage utensils and cutlery. 結合一層狹長的空間特性,設計上將七米長的白色石材吧檯作為一層的主要亮點。 In combination with the narrow and long space characteristics of the first floor, the seven-meter-long white stone bar is used as the main highlight of the first floor. ...... 二層入口,幾何線條的分割,豐富牆面美感。The entrance on the second floor, the division of geometric lines, enriches the beauty of the wall. ... 長桌區入口,幾何線條的運用讓空間更加輕盈。Entrance to the long table area, the use of geometric lines makes the space lighter. ...... 就餐區,低垂的帷幔搭配經典的花紋壁紙與藝術品,營造復古的環境氛圍。Dining area, drooping curtains with classic pattern wallpaper and artwork, creating a retro atmosphere. ......... 局部細節,復古的配飾呼應主題。Local details, retro accessories echo the theme. 二層設計上刻意壓暗空間的燈光,保證了客人的私密性,並且設置了獨立的長桌會議區與吸菸區,豐富空間的使用功能。 The design of the second floor deliberately darkens the space『s lights, ensuring the privacy of guests, and setting up a separate long table conference area and a smoking area, which enrich the use of space. ...... 衛生間洗手區,對稱的設計,墨綠色搭配黑白瓷磚,呼應復古主題。Bathroom hand washing area, symmetrical design, dark green with black and white tiles, echoing the retro theme. ... 景觀區,二樓採光較好飄窗處設計了綠植景觀區,豐富空間。Landscape area, the second floor has a well-lit bay window and a green plant landscape area is designed to enrich the space. ... 一層平面布局.First floor Flat layout ... 二層平面布局Second floor Flat layout 項目信息—— 項目名稱:好咖啡 設計機構:銳梵設計 設計時間:2018年7月 完成時間:2018年10月 主創設計:謝健 設計團隊:江昕,李鋆瑩,李睿 項目地址:青島·燕兒島路 建築面積:240㎡ 攝 影:石小亮 Project information—— Project Name:Holly Coffee Design Agency:Refine Design Design Year:July 2018 Completion Year:October 2018 Leader Designer:Jian Xie Design Team:Xin Jiang,Junying Li,Rui Li Project Location:Yan』er Island Road, Qingdao Gross Built Area:240㎡ Photo Credits:XiaoLiang Shi
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